We are dedicated to helping financial professionals better understand our closed-end products and offer training through our partners at AI Insight.
- Education for Financial Professionals about Interval Funds and FTCM Products.
- Detailed results tracking allows admins to review each course question detailing user’s responses to determine if further training is required.
- Status Reports are available, showing which users have completed, in-progress or not started the training.
- Automated email notifications are sent to administrators upon course completion.
Complete your firms regulatory-compliance check & get educated on Interval Funds:
Key Concepts Covered
Foundational Information
Interval Fund Structure
Investment Objectives
Risk Mitigation
Asset Allocations
Fund Fees and Expenses
Liquidity & Operational Due Diligence
Get Started
Interval Fund Training Process:
If your firm is currently partnered with AI Insights. Click the link below to log-in and take the courses!
- Login User: Click here to log in to your account.
- SSO User: Log in to your firm’s internal portal to access AI Insight
If you do not have an AI Insight account, get started now.
- New to AI Insights? Contact customercare@aiinsight.com to set-up your account.
- Once your registered, go to the First Trust Alternative Opportunities Fund course under the Programs & Sponsors > Alternative Investment Programs
Any questions? Reach out to the First Trust team today!
This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as, and may not be relied on in any manner as legal, tax or investment advice, a recommendation, or as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to purchase or a recommendation of any interest in any fund or security offered by Institutional Capital Network, Inc. or its affiliates (together “iCapital”). Past performance is not indicative of future results. Alternative investments are complex, speculative investment vehicles and are not suitable for all investors. An investment in an alternative investment entails a high degree of risk and no assurance can be given that any alternative investment fund’s investment objectives will be achieved or that investors will receive a return of their capital. The information contained herein is subject to change and is also incomplete. This industry information and its importance is an opinion only and should not be relied upon as the only important information available. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed, and iCapital assumes no liability for the information provided.
This material is confidential and the property of iCapital, and may not be shared with any party other than the intended recipient or his or her professional advisors. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of iCapital.
Products offered by iCapital are typically private placements that are sold only to qualified clients of iCapital through transactions that are exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to Rule 506(b) of Regulation D promulgated thereunder (“Private Placements”). An investment in any product issued pursuant to a Private Placement, such as the funds described, entails a high degree of risk and no assurance can be given that any alternative investment fund’s investment objectives will be achieved or that investors will receive a return of their capital. Further, such investments are not subject to the same levels of regulatory scrutiny as publicly listed investments, and as a result, investors may have access to significantly less information than they can access with respect to publicly listed investments. Prospective investors should also note that investments in the products described involve long lock-ups and do not provide investors with liquidity. Securities may be offered through iCapital Securities, LLC, a registered broker dealer, member of FINRA and SIPC and subsidiary of Institutional Capital Network, Inc. (d/b/a iCapital). These registrations and memberships in no way imply that the SEC, FINRA or SIPC have endorsed the entities, products or services discussed herein. iCapital and iCapital Network are registered trademarks of Institutional Capital Network, Inc. Additional information is available upon request. © 2023 Institutional Capital Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.